Hazard Consequences Analysis for Battery Energy Storage System
To complete a Hazard Consequences Analysis (HCA) for a new Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) installation
Project Description:
KMEA provided the results of an HCA Report for a lithium-ion BESS in California. Under normal operations, the system does not store or generate hazardous materials in quantities that would represent a risk to offsite receptors. However, this analysis was conducted to determine potential impacts resulting from the release of toxics from an unlikely but potential fire or thermal runaway event at the project site.
BESS thermal runaway/fire events may generate hazardous substances such as hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen cyanide, and carbon monoxide, which may be released to the environment during such an event. KMEA modeled the emission release rates based on modules. After running a scenario plum model utilizing the EPA’s ALOHA plume dispersion modeling tool, KMEA provided an HCA.
As part of the Minor Use Permit Application and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements, this Hazard Consequences Analysis evaluated the potential for adverse effects to people or the environment related to hazards and hazardous materials. CEQA requires the analysis of potential adverse effects of a project on the environment.