KMEA Environmental Health and Safety Management System
Corporate Policy Statement
KMEA’s two greatest assets are our employees and our reputation for safety. It is the policy of KMEA to provide a safe and healthful work environment for all employees and partners by preventing occupational injuries and illnesses.
The basis for loss prevention and environmental health and safety programs is the recognition that incidents causing injuries, illness, property damage, impacts to the environment, or adversely affecting the reputation of KMEA and our partners are preventable. It is everyone’s job to prevent incidents, and all employees are expected to conduct business in a way that actively integrates the elements of the KMEA Environmental Health and Safety Management System to their operations.
The goal of the KMEA Environmental Health and Safety Management System is zero incidents; therefore, incident prevention by thorough project planning and near-miss and safety observation reporting is of utmost importance to the firm. In support of this goal, safety takes precedence over expediency or short cuts.
KMEA has established procedures that provide direction on environmental health and safety matters to all employees. These procedures are periodically evaluated in light of new regulations, emerging industry practices, and agency interpretation or case law.
Each supervisor also has the responsibility to foster by personal example a climate in which everyone shares a true concern for their own as well as their work partners’ health and safety. Every employee should feel not only empowered but required to stand up for safety without fear of retribution.