San Diego International Airport Fuels Airport Project
To provide additional fuel storage capacity by installing three new aboveground storage tanks and expand the existing fuel storage facility’s secondary containment system, surrounding pavements, and infrastructure access.
Project Description:
The San Diego International Airport (SAN) fuel storage facility is operated by Allied Aviation Fueling Company, Inc. on behalf of the airport’s Fuel Committee. The 1.09-acre construction project is tracked by the Airport Authority and is designed to comply with the San Diego Regional Municipal Stormwater Permit, San Diego County Regional Airport Authority Storm Water Management Plan, San Diego Regional Water Board requirements, and San Diego Basin Plan requirements.
KMEA reviews the site Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and identifies all priority inspection points; prepares an Activity Hazard Analysis for inspection activities on the fuel tank replacement site; conducts site awareness training and coordinates with onsite construction contractors; tracks local weather systems to identify pre-, during, and post-rainfall inspections; performs weekly inspections of site construction and drainage control best management practices (BMPs); prepares inspection logs for all site inspections; evaluates effectiveness of onsite BMPs to prevent pollution releases from the site; and recommends new or enhanced BMPs to control site materials and trackout.
KMEA provides enhanced third-party review of operations and tracks the effectiveness of erosion prevention and sediment and pollution control BMPs to relieve site contractors from that ongoing regulatory and site management task. KMEA’s SWPPPs provide guidance in identifying needed site modifications.