Metropolitan San Diego Bay Stormwater Program Support at Naval Base San Diego, Naval Base Point Loma, and Naval Base Coronado
To implement compliance activities for the individual National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements at three naval bases by water quality investigations, pilot studies, best management practices design and implementation, regulatory review, permit compliance, and technical consultation.
Project Description:
Tasks included the preparation of a Work Plan describing project efforts, Sampling and Analysis Plan, Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QAQC) Plan, Accident Prevention Plan, and Site Safety and Health Plan. Client coordination consisted of kickoff meetings; preparation of meeting agendas, presentation materials, and meeting notes; and monthly progress reporting and invoicing. Visual observations of industrial drainage areas and outfalls were conducted both in dry and wet weather.
Quarterly Industrial Facility Visual Inspections were performed at over 700 buildings to identify dry weather discharges and deficiencies in best management practices (BMPs) to control pollution releases. Annual Comprehensive Site Compliance Evaluations were conducted on all bases and industrial facilities to identify BMP deficiencies and monitoring program change needs. Other tasks consisted of weather tracking, communications, and storm event sample team mobilization.
Sampling of qualified storm events occurred at over 60 industrial sampling locations four times a year and at six Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System locations twice a year. Sampling of Chollas Creek was conducted for compliance with Total Maximum Daily Load requirements. Sampling of point source discharges, including priority toxics, was carried out from steam condensation, dry dock, boom cleaning, and utility vault discharges. QAQC review of all laboratory data and evaluation against discharge standards such as annual and instantaneous Numeric Action Levels and Numeric Action Levels were also performed. Reporting consisted of industrial annual reports, base-specific Stormwater Discharge Management Plans, industrial area Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans, Toxic Reduction Evaluations as needed for sites with continuing non-compliance, updates to the Geographic Information System mapping for all bases, changing risk determinations for base areas, and regulatory tracking and support for Exceedance Response Actions and for permit renewal efforts.
With KMEA support, the bases ensured continued compliance with NPDES permit requirements, identified new measures to enhance data accuracy and limit pollution releases, and adopted new sampling techniques and equipment for point source discharges.