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Contaminated Soil Removal and Site Characterization Phase II Environmental Site Assessment and Contaminated Soil Removal, Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center
Client Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Southwest (NAVFAC SW)
Status Complete
Service Environmental Consulting
Market Federal Government
Location Bridgeport, California
Subservices Phase II Environmental Site Assessment and Contaminated Soil Removal

Contaminated Soil Removal and Site Characterization for Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center


To conduct an Environmental Site Assessment and site restoration in support of construction and upgrades for a helicopter refueling facility

Project Description:

KMEA performed planning, permitting, and field work involving site characterization and soil remediation and reporting. Approximately 190 tons of petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated soil were characterized, removed, and replaced following a site assessment involving a technique of air rotary drilling near a busy runway without disturbing air traffic.

The KMEA project team secured regulatory approval and case closure in record time before the start of winter season and received a “very good” Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System rating from Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Southwest.