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Container stock plantings Restoration Site, Vegetation Management Plan Implementation and Invasive Weed Control at Mission Gorge Recreational Facility
Client Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Southwest (NAVFAC SW)
Status Complete
Service Biological Resources
Market Federal Government
Location San Diego, California

Vegetation Management Plan Implementation and Invasive Weed Control


To remove a total of one acre of turf at Admiral Baker golf course and replace it with native coastal sage scrub plants in compliance with the Endangered Species Act and the Naval Base San Diego Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan.

Project Description:

The recreational facility provides habitat for two federally listed wildlife species, the coastal California gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica) and the least Bell’s vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus), 12 California Department of Fish and Wildlife animal species of special concern, and three plant species considered sensitive by the California Native Plant Society. KMEA maintained the site with regular watering and weed control for one year following the installation of plants. Additionally, invasive species control and erosion control were conducted at previously established restoration sites. Part of the invasive species control involved herbicide treatment of the invasive aquatic Uruguayan primrose-willow (Ludwigia hexapetala) to reduce its presence in sections of the San Diego River, adjacent to the golf course. The implementation of this project included preparing a Work Plan, an Accident Prevention Plan, and an Activity Hazard Analysis; conducting meetings for project kickoff and monthly program updates; planning and installing an irrigation system; mowing and removal of turf; installation of container plants; irrigation of container plants; herbicide treatments of invasive weeds; invasive vegetation removal; taking photographs to document restoration progress; and counting survivorship of container plants and cactus cuttings. The KMEA team successfully restored one acre of coastal sage scrub habitat and continued maintenance on previously established restoration sites.