Invasive Plant Control and Revegetation, Remote Training Site Warner Springs
To enhance habitat and restore native upland vegetation at eight sites.
Project Description:
The restoration sites were closed dirt roads that had been restored to native habitat. Access to the sites was accomplished by existing access roads or on foot. Habitat restoration tasks included invasive plant species removal, planting, and seeding native species, implementing erosion control measures, and removal of old irrigation system components and non-functional manmade materials. Invasive species removal occurred to provide resources for native plant development through elimination of non-native competition. Removal methods included string trimming, dethatching, and hand pulling of non-native invasive plants. To stabilize slopes and prevent further erosion, native container plants and cholla cuttings were installed, and native seeds were spread at the sites. Non-biodegradable materials such as netting around straw wattles were removed by hand and disposed of offsite to prevent damage to wildlife small enough to become trapped.
Through coordination with the Navy, review of Forest Service measures, and according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Opinions, conservation measures were implemented for the protection of arroyo toad (Anaxyrus californicus), Stephens’ kangaroo rat (Dipodomys stephensi), Quino checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas editha quino), and least Bell’s vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus). No impacts to these federally listed threatened and endangered species occurred during the habitat restoration efforts.
While maintaining the highest standards of quality for labor, installed materials, maintenance, monitoring, and production of deliverables, KMEA staff implemented all practices with safety as the top priority. All field installations, operations, and production of deliverables were conducted within budget and completed on schedule. KMEA continues to support similar projects on the base.